




中国海洋大学 十大信誉网赌大全





2001/09-2005/06  中国海洋大学 大气科学专业 学士

2005/09-2012/06  中国海洋学校 物理海洋专业 博士

2007/09-2012/06  美国北卡州立大学 物理海洋专业 联合培养博士


2012/08-2014/10  美国北卡州立大学Research Associate

2012/08-至今     中国海洋大学 十大信誉网赌大全  讲师


  1. 山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)项目,2019JZZY020713,基于气象海洋大数据的海运航线智能决策系统及一体化服务平台研制,课题负责人;

  2. 海洋局技术服务项目,高分辨率环流预报系统构建,主持;

  3. 海洋局技术服务项目,20190238,天津市风暴潮灾害危险性评估,主持;

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41506012,冬季黄海暖舌北侵年际变化及机制的研究,主持

  5. 军队任务,*******涉密项目,在研,外业首席科学家

  6. 全球变化与海气相互作用国际合作专项,GEOGE,亚洲大陆边缘动力学与全球变化,已结题,校方主持

  7. 海洋局纵向项目,911543070,风暴潮漫滩应急监测试点, 已结题,主持

  8. OUC-WHOI Joint Program, Intersections Between the East China Sea and North Pacific Interannual-to-Decadal Variability,已结题

  9. 国家重点研发计划,2016YFC1402606,黑潮延伸体观测示范分系统,已结题,参与

  10. 国际科技合作重点项目计划,长江三角洲与红河三角洲全新世沉积演化对比研究,已结题,参与

  11. 全球变化与应对专项,2016YFA0600903,大型水库对河流-河口系统生物地球化学过程和物质输运的影响机制,已结题,参与

  12. 国家自然科学基金重点基金,41430963,黄海暖流形态与变化对暖舌结构影响的动力机制研究,2015/01-2019/12,已结题,参与

  13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41376001,黑潮延伸体海域海-气耦合过程及其对东亚边缘海环流的影响,2014/01-2017/12,已结题,参与

  14. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41306004,全球变暖背景下东海黑潮流场变异和相关机制的研究,2014/01-2016/12,已结题,参与

  15. 国家自然科学基金,41349901,渤黄海科学考察实验研究,2014/01- 2014/12,已结题,参与  

  16. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41006003,日本以东异常信号对对马暖流及日本海海面高度季节变化的影响研究,已结题,参与

  17. 国家自然科学基金,40976001,渤海盐度分布结构的变化及其对环流的影响研究,2010/01-2012/12,结题,参与


  1. Z. Yao, K. Che, Y. Ding, X. Bao, L. Qiao.(2021). Unusual Cross-Shelf Transport Driven by the Changes of Wind Pattern in a Marginal Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 126(11): e2021JC017526.

  2. C. Bi,Z. Yao*, X. Bao, C. Zhang, Y. Ding, X. Liu, J. Guo. The sensitivity of numerical simulation to vertical mixing parameterization schemes: a case study for the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(2021). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 39:64-78

  3. Y. Ding, X. Bao, L. Zhou, C. Bi,Z. Yao*, C. Ma, Q. Chu, Modeling the westward transversal current in the southern Yellow Sea entrance: a case study in winter 2007, Ocean Dynamics, 2020,70(6):803-825

  4. Y. Ding,Z. Yao*, L. Zhou, M. Bao, Z. Zang,Numerical modeling of the seasonal circulation in the coastal ocean of the Northern South China Sea, Frontiers of Earth Science, 14(1):90-109

  5. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, C. BiK. Wan, Z. Jiang, J. Song, J. Gao (2019). Observational and Model Studies of Synoptic Current Fluctuations in the Bohai Strait on the Chinese Continental Shelf, Ocean Dynamics, 69(3): 323-351.

  6. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, D. Song; J. Song, J. Gao, J. Li(2018). Effect of coastal-trapped waves on the synoptic variations of the Yellow Sea Warm Current during winter, Continental Shelf Research, 16714~31

  7. Y. Ding,Z. Yao*, L. Zhou, M. Bao, Z. Zang (2018). Numerical modeling of the seasonal circulation in the coastal ocean of the Northern South China Sea. Frontiers of Earth Science, pp1-20

  8. Liu, S. D., L. L. Qiao, G. X. Li, J. H. Shi, L. L. Huang,Z. Yao, F. Gao, Z. Wang, & J. X. Min (2018), Variation in the Current Shear Front and Its Potential Effect on Sediment Transport Over the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea in Winter, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11), 8264-8283

  9. Z. Yao*, Z. Xue, R. He and X. Bao, J. Xie, Q. Ge: Climate projections of spatial variations in coastal storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. east coastJournal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16(1) :1-7

  10. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, C. Zhang, K. Wan, A Modeling Study of the Characteristics and Mechanism of the Westward Coastal Current during Summer in the Northwestern South China Sea, Ocean Science Journal, 2017, 52(1) :11-30

  11. Z. Yao*, Z. Xue, R. He and X. Bao, Statistical downscaling of IPCC sea surface wind and wind energy predictions for U.S. east coastal ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15(4):577–582

  12. L. Qiao *., L. Huang, Z. Wang, Z.Yao., and S. Liu, Flux and its seasonal variation of suspended particulate matter in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea, Geological Journal, 2016, 51: 22–34

  13. X ZengR He*Z XueH WangY Wang,Z. Yao, River-derived sediment suspension and transport in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas: A preliminary modeling study. Continental Shelf Research, 2015,111:112-125

  14. Z. Xue, J. Zambon,Z. Yao, Y. Li and R. He*, An Integrated Ocean Circulation, Wave, Atmosphere and Marine Ecosystem Prediction System for the South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2015,8(1):80-91

  15. Z. Yao, R. He*, X. Bao and D. Wu, J. Song, M2 tidal dynamics in Bohai and Yellow Seas: a hybrid data assimilative modeling study, Ocean Dynamics, 2012, 62(5) :753-769

  16. 姚志刚,鲍献文,李娜,李希斌,宋军,万凯,2012:基于船载ADCP对罗源湾湾口断面潮流及余流的分析。海洋学报, 34(6)

  17. 姚志刚,鲍献文,李娜,李希斌,宋军,万凯,2012:北黄海冷水季节变化特征分析。中国海洋大学学报,42(6)009-015


开设《海洋数值模式》、《海洋与大气数据可视化》、《Linux基础》、《Numerical Ocean Modelling》等多门课程


担任Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic TechnologyContinental Shelf ResearchOcean Dynamics、中国科学(地球科学)Acta Oceanologica Sinica Journal of Ocean University of China等期刊审稿人


近海环流动力学,数值模拟与同化, 业务化数值预报、气候变化

 Yao Zhigang


College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences

Ocean University of China

238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China

Tel: +86-532-66782853



09/2001-06/2005, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Ocean University of China

09/2005-06/2012, Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China

09/2007-06/2012 Ph.D. Joint-program in Physical Oceanography, North Carolina State University


08/2012-10/2014, Research Associate, North Carolina State University

07/2012-12/2014, Lecture, Ocean University of China


  1. Shandong Provincial Key Research and Development Program, Grant No. 2019JZZY020713, sub-project in charge

  2. State Oceanic Administration(SOA) Grant No. 20190725, PI

  3. State Oceanic Administration(SOA) Grant No. 20190238, PI

  4. National Scientific Foundation Council(NSFC) Grant No. 41506012, PI

  5. Program on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Study: Geodynamics of Asian Margins and Global Change(GEOGE);

  6. State Oceanic Administration(SOA) Grant No. 911543070, PI;

  7. OUC-WHOI Joint Program, Intersections Between the East China Sea and North Pacific Interannual-to-Decadal Variability


  1. Z. Yao, K. Che, Y. Ding, X. Bao, L. Qiao.(2021). Unusual Cross-Shelf Transport Driven by the Changes of Wind Pattern in a Marginal Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 126(11): e2021JC017526.

  2. C. Bi,Z. Yao*, X. Bao, C. Zhang, Y. Ding, X. Liu, J. Guo. The sensitivity of numerical simulation to vertical mixing parameterization schemes: a case study for the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(2021). Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 39:64-78

  3. Y. Ding, X. Bao, L. Zhou, C. Bi,Z. Yao*, C. Ma, Q. Chu, Modeling the westward transversal current in the southern Yellow Sea entrance: a case study in winter 2007, Ocean Dynamics, 2020,70(6):803-825

  4. Y. Ding,Z. Yao*, L. Zhou, M. Bao, Z. Zang,Numerical modeling of the seasonal circulation in the coastal ocean of the Northern South China Sea, Frontiers of Earth Science, 14(1):90-109

  5. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, C. BiK. Wan, Z. Jiang, J. Song, J. Gao (2019). Observational and Model Studies of Synoptic Current Fluctuations in the Bohai Strait on the Chinese Continental Shelf, Ocean Dynamics, 69(3): 323-351.

  6. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, D. Song; J. Song, J. Gao, J. Li(2018). Effect of coastal-trapped waves on the synoptic variations of the Yellow Sea Warm Current during winter, Continental Shelf Research, 16714~31

  7. Y. Ding,Z. Yao*, L. Zhou, M. Bao, Z. Zang (2018). Numerical modeling of the seasonal circulation in the coastal ocean of the Northern South China Sea. Frontiers of Earth Science, pp1-20

  8. Liu, S. D., L. L. Qiao, G. X. Li, J. H. Shi, L. L. Huang,Z. Yao, F. Gao, Z. Wang, & J. X. Min (2018), Variation in the Current Shear Front and Its Potential Effect on Sediment Transport Over the Inner Shelf of the East China Sea in Winter, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(11), 8264-8283

  9. Z. Yao*, Z. Xue, R. He and X. Bao, J. Xie, Q. Ge: Climate projections of spatial variations in coastal storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. east coastJournal of Ocean University of China, 2017, 16(1) :1-7

  10. Y. Ding, X. Bao,Z. Yao*, C. Zhang, K. Wan, A Modeling Study of the Characteristics and Mechanism of the Westward Coastal Current during Summer in the Northwestern South China Sea, Ocean Science Journal, 2017, 52(1) :11-30

  11. Z. Yao*, Z. Xue, R. He and X. Bao, Statistical downscaling of IPCC sea surface wind and wind energy predictions for U.S. east coastal ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2016, 15(4):577–582

  12. L. Qiao *., L. Huang, Z. Wang, Z.Yao., and S. Liu, Flux and its seasonal variation of suspended particulate matter in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea, Geological Journal, 2016, 51: 22–34

  13. X ZengR He*Z XueH WangY Wang,Z. Yao, River-derived sediment suspension and transport in the Bohai, Yellow, and East China Seas: A preliminary modeling study. Continental Shelf Research, 2015,111:112-125

  14. Z. Xue, J. Zambon,Z. Yao, Y. Li and R. He*, An Integrated Ocean Circulation, Wave, Atmosphere and Marine Ecosystem Prediction System for the South Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2015,8(1):80-91

  15. Z. Yao, R. He*, X. Bao and D. Wu, J. Song, M2 tidal dynamics in Bohai and Yellow Seas: a hybrid data assimilative modeling study, Ocean Dynamics, 2012, 62(5) :753-769

Academic part-time

Reviewers for the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic TechnologyContinental Shelf ResearchOcean DynamicsScience in ChinaActa Oceanologica Sinica Journal of Ocean University of China


Numerical Ocean Modelling,Data Visualization for the Marine and Atmospheric Sciences》《Introduction to the Linux

Research Interests

Coastal Circulation and Dynamics,  Numerical Modelling and Data Assimilation, Operational Hindcast and Forecast, Climate Change and its Regional Impact
