2018/04-2020/10,中国气象局, 天气预报科技成果业务转化,“基于葵花8号静止卫星数据的黄海海雾动态阈值反演技术”,18万,主持;
国家重点研发计划,《两洋一海气象灾害自主可控监测预报技术研究》子课题 “关键海区海雾和大风时空变化特征与机理研究”(2019YFC1510102),69万/156万;
国家重点研发计划,《高分辨率海冰模式的研发》子课题 “支持海冰模式参数化研发和评估的观测数据系统”(2018YFA0605903),33万/120万;
山东省重点研发计划,“黄渤海海雾卫星三维实时监测技术研究”(2015GSF120005), 10万/18万;
Wang, S., Yi, L.*, Zhang, S, Shi, X., Chen, X. (2020). The Microphysical Properties of a Sea-Fog Event along the West Coast of the Yellow Sea in Spring. Atmosphere.11, 413.
Yi, L., Li, K., Chen, X., Tung, K. K. (2019). Arctic fog detection using infrared spectral measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 36(8): 1643-1656.
Huang, H., Huang, B., Yi, L., Liu, C., Tu, J., Wen, G., Mao, W. (2019). Evaluation of the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System for Predicting Sea Fog over the South China Sea[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(6): 623-642.
Yi L.*, Boris Thies, Suping Zhang, Xiaomeng Shi, Jorg Bendix (2016). Low stratus and fog optical thickness and effective radius retrieval from MTSAT at daytime data as a precondition for Yellow Sea ocean fog detection. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 8.
Shi Xiaomeng, Sun Jilin, Wu Dexing,Yi L., We Dongni (2015). Impact of Autumn SST in the Japan Sea on Winter Rainfall and Air Temperature in Northeast China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 14(4), 604-611.
Yi L.*, S. P. Zhang, B. Thies, X. M. Shi, K. Trachte, and J. Bendix (2014). Spatio-temporal detection of fog and low stratus top heights over the Yellow Sea with geostationary satellite data as a precondition for ground fog detection - A feasibility study, Atmos. Res., 151, 212-223
Zhang Suping, Yi L. (2013). A Comprehensive Dynamic Threshold Algorithm for Daytime Sea Fog Retrieval over the Chinese Adjacent Seas. Pure and Applied Geophysics.170(11), 1931-1944.
刘树霄,衣立*,张苏平,时晓曚,薛允传. 基于全卷积神经网络方法的日间黄海海雾卫星反演研究. 海洋湖沼通报. 2019,(6),13-22.
赵进平, 刘一林, 衣立, 王晓宇, 陈显尧.用垂向光学辐照度测量数据计算雾能见度的方法和验证.中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版. 2019,5:1-10.
宋姝彤,衣立*,张苏平,王晓宇,刘一林,陈显尧. Polar WRF模式海冰密集度方案对Polar WRF模式海冰密集度方案对北极海雾模拟效果的个例研究.海洋气象学报. 2019,39(2):34-42
李欣蓓,张苏平,衣立,韩美,潘宁.基于循环神经网络的单站能见度短临预报试验,海洋气象学报. 2019,39(2):76-83
黄山, 张苏平, 衣立.一次春季黄海西部离岸气流背景下形成岸滨雾的过程分析.中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版. 2019, (3).
郭九华, 张苏平, 衣立, 刘敬武.东海黑潮暖水区一次夜间云覆盖边界层发展过程的大涡模拟——辐射强迫研究[J].中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版.2018, 48(7).
张苏平,王媛,衣立,刘海坤,王倩.一次层积云发展过程对黑潮延伸体海洋锋强迫的响应研究——观测与机制分析[J].大气科学. 2017,41(2).
徐志鹏,张苏平,衣立,马艳.青岛近岸能见度逐小时分级预报模型初探[J]. 海洋湖沼通报. 2018, (1).
王媛, 张苏平, 衣立,刘敬武,郭九华.一次层积云发展过程对黑潮延伸体海洋锋强迫的响应研究——数值模拟和试验[J]. 中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版. 2017, 47(7).
衣立, 张苏平, 殷玉齐: 2009年黄海绿潮浒苔爆发与漂移的水文气象环境[J]. 中国海洋大学学报:自然科学版. 2010, 40(10) , 15-23.
(*): 通讯作者
2020年:国家发明专利授权,基于卫星数据及站点观测数据的双通道海雾反演阈值改进方法,ZL 201810002957.8,衣立, 张苏平, 巫明娜, 廖嘉文, 宋姝彤。第一完成人。
2020年:国家发明专利授权,基于站点实测数据和模式结果的水平能见度预报方法,ZL 201711449964.4,徐志鹏, 衣立, 张苏平, 薛允传, 马艳, 赵文雪, 霍志丽, 刘敬武。第二完成人。
College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
Ocean University of China
238 Songling Rd, Qingdao 266100, China
Email: yili@ouc.edu.cn
09/2004-06/2008, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Ocean University of China (OUC)
09/2008-06/2011, M.S. in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, OUC
09/2011-06/2015, Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, OUC
10/2012-10/2014, Joint Ph.D. candidate in Remote Sensing, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
01/2019-present, Associate Professor, Ocean University of China
07/2015-12/2018, Lecturer, Ocean University of China
01/2019-12/2022, NSFC project,“the study of all-day sea fog retrieval based on Geostationary
Meteorological Satellite data over the Yellow Sea and East China Sea” ,(41975024), PI
01/2017-12/2019,NSFC project, “A study on the Yellow Sea Fog Radiative effect and its influence on temperature stratification of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Spring”(41605006), PI
01/2016-11/2018,SFC of Shandong province, “Spatial-temporal variation of Yellow Sea Fog Radiant Characteristics and its feedback to vertical structure of Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer”(ZR2016DB26), PI
01/2015-12/2019,Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action, “Arctic Fog Variability in a Warming Arctic and Its Impact on Maritime Human Activities”(41561144001), Participant
01/2016-12/2019,NSFC project, “The Seasonal Variations in Vertical Stratification of the Marine Atmosphere Boundary Layer and Sea Fog Invasion from Open Waters to Seashore over the Yellow Sea”(4157060582), Participant
Wang, S., Yi, L.*, Zhang, S, Shi, X., Chen, X. The Microphysical Properties of a Sea-Fog Event along the West Coast of the Yellow Sea in Spring. Atmosphere. 2020, 11, 413.
Yi, L., Li, K., Chen, X., Tung, K. K., 2019: Arctic fog detection using infrared spectral measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 2019, 36(8): 1643-1656.
Huang H, Huang B, Yi L, et al. Evaluation of the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System for Predicting Sea Fog over the South China Sea[J]. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2019, 36(6): 623-642.
Yi L.*, Boris Thies, Suping Zhang, Xiaomeng Shi, Jorg Bendix, 2016: Low stratus and fog optical thickness and effective radius retrieval from MTSAT at daytime data as a precondition for Yellow Sea ocean fog detection. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 8.
Shi Xiaomeng, Sun Jilin, Wu Dexing,Yi L., We Dongni, 2015: Impact of Autumn SST in the Japan Sea on Winter Rainfall and Air Temperature in Northeast China. Journal of Ocean University of China, 14(4), 604-611.
Yi L. *, S. P. Zhang, B. Thies, X. M. Shi, K. Trachte, and J. Bendix, 2014: Spatio-temporal detection of fog and low stratus top heights over the Yellow Sea with geostationary satellite data as a precondition for ground fog detection - A feasibility study, Atmos. Res., 151, 212-223
Zhang Suping, Yi L., 2013: A Comprehensive Dynamic Threshold Algorithm for Daytime Sea Fog Retrieval over the Chinese Adjacent Seas. Pure and Applied Geophysics 170:11, 1931-1944.
Undergraduate: Sea fog, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Atmospheric observation,
Research Interests
Interested in fog remote sensing, Cloud/Fog microphysical character and
Interaction between fog and atmosphere boundary layer.